Swedish singer LOVA will be back in Switzerlnd for some concerts this spring!
We'll be touring as a Trio with the fantastic harmonica player Daniel Hildebrand.
Don't miss it!
Fr 17. April 2015, 3 Trappor Upp, Tranemo, Sweden
Fabriksgatan 5, 51433 Tranemo, http://www.3trapporupp.nu/, https://sv-se.facebook.com/3trapporupp
Su 26. April 2015, 19:30 Esse, Winterthur
Rudolfstrasse 4, 8400 Winterthur, 052 202 57 46, bar@esse-musicbar.ch
We 29. April 2015, 20:30 Dolder2, Feuerthalen
Zürcherstrasse 26, 8245 Feuerthalen (visavis Schaffhausen), 052 659 29 90 www.dolder2.ch
Sa 02. Mai 2015, 20:30 Alte Käserei, Walperswil
Hauptstrasse 27, 3272 Walperswil
Su 03. Mai 2015, 17:00 Musikraum Tanne, Bäretswil Rüeggenthalstrasse 30, 8344 Bäretswil, info@musikraumtanne.ch
We 06. Mai 2015, 20:00 La Cappella, Bern
Allmendstrasse 24, 3014 Bern, 031 332 80 22, www.la-cappella.ch
Michel Casanovas (India/F) and Marc Rossier (CH)
drops of inspiration - presence in space
Dance Improvisation Workshop with Live Music
30. April 2015 13:00 - 16:00, Studio Chronos Elisabethenstrasse 22, 4051 Basel
60 CHF (Profitraining/IGTanz Mitglieder 40 CHF)
Contact: casanovas.michel@yahoo.fr (www.micha.in / www.marcrossier.com)
Weitere Workshops und Performance von Michel Casanovas in Basel unter:
Nach dem Auftritt mit LOVA in Schweden ist Marc Rossier diese Woche in Solothurn in einer Performance an einem aussergewöhnlichem Ort zu hören:
ALLES GUTE KOMMT VON OBEN - eine zeitgenössische Tanzperformance
66 Meter ragt der Glockenturm, genannt Zwiebelturm, der St. Ursen
Kathedrale Solothurn in die Höhe und öffnet den Blick auf die Region, so wie den Himmel. Die Aufführung nimmt die Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise. 5 TänzerInnen zeigen, wie Ihre Kunst durch Arbeit im Turm entsteht. Sie arbeiten mit den vorhandenen Gegebenheiten und benutzen die Architektur als Katalysator für ihr Werk. Einem Gedicht gleich verweben sie Tanz, Bewegung, Stimme, Musik zu einem Erlebnis aller Sinne.
TANZ - Fiona Combosch D, Flurin Kappenberger CH, Annette Kaufmann CH/D, Oleg Kaufmann CH und Pascale Utz CH.
MUSIK - Marc Rossier CH
FR 24. April 20:00 Uhr
FR 24. April 21:00 Uhr
FR 24. April 22:00 Uhr
SA 25. April 20:00 Uhr, an der "Kulturnacht Solothurn 2015"
SA 25. April 21:00 Uhr, an der "Kulturnacht Solothurn 2015"
SA 25. April 22:00 Uhr, an der "Kulturnacht Solothurn 2015"
Eingang: Glockenturm St. Ursen Kathedrale, Rückseite, zur Turmgalerie, Türöffnung jeweils 5 Minuten vor Beginn
Limitierte Platzzahl, Reservation empfohlen via Email an info@tamtam-produktion.ch, 032 675 16 50, Abendkasse jeweils 20 Min. vor Beginn CHF 25 / 20
SO 26. April 01:00 Uhr Special Performance im Stadttheater Solothurn
Die Künstler von "Alles Gute kommt von oben" zeigen eine Tanzimprovisation aus dem Material und den Eindrücken welche sie während Ihren Aufführungen im Glockenturm gesammelt haben. an der "Kulturnacht Solothurn 2015"
costs: CHF 60.- (Profitraining/ IGTanz Mitglieder CHF 40.-)
registration and Info: casanovas.michel@yahoo.fr Tel: 076 457 14 62
www.micha.in www.marcrossier.com
Leicht ins Jahresende
Marc Rossier with Ivo Knill
Marc Rossier with Lauren Bunn
ZYT 4960
Die schwedische Sängerin LOVA und der Berner Gitarrist Marc Rossier begeistern ihr Publikum live immer wieder mit berührenden, persönlichen Songs und bringen einen Hauch von mystischer Mitternachtssonne auf die Bühne. Nun haben sie mit ihrer grossartigen Band neue Songperlen aufgenommen und präsentieren ihre erste CD-Produktion.
Mit LOVA (vocals), Marc Rossier (guitars), Daniel Hildebrand (harmonica), Andi Pupato (percussion), Peter Enderli (bass)
Do 27. März 20:00, Buchhandlung Weyermann, Bern
Buchvernisage von Suniti Novell mit LOVA und Marc Rossier
CD - Taufe
So 30. März 20:00, Mühle Hunziken, Rubigen
Fr 10. April 12:00, KKThun, ktv Börse, Thun
Sa 11. April 10:00, KKThun, ktv Börse, Thun
So 12. April 10:00, KKThun, ktv Börse, Thun
The Swedish singer LOVA and Swiss guitarist Marc Rossier inspire their audience all over again with touching, personal songs and bring a new touch of mystical midnight sun on stage. Now they have recorded new song pearls with their great band present their first CD production.
a first video is now online here
Anna Röthlisberger Co. "ALMOST_ALWAYS"
CD-Release-Concert "L.A. in Hollywood" www.mongk.ch
Songwriter-Rock with Dänu Brüggemann, Ueli & Pesche Enderli
feat. Marc Rossier
Do, 19. September 2013, 20.30, Kulturhof Köniz, Rossstallwww.kulturhof.ch
Marc Rossier with Stefania Kaye
Fr, 20. September 2013, 21:30, 23:00, 00:30, Bettmeralp
Aletsch Arena Music Festival
Fr, 11. Oktober 2013, 21:00, Bern, Mahogany Hall www.mahogany.ch
Marc Rossier with Lunik
Fr, 27. September 2013, Sal Schaan, Liechtenstein
Tu, 10. Dezember 2013, Zürich, Tonhalle, Lunik final concert with Zürcher Kammerorchester
We, 11. Dezember 2013, Bern, Kulturcasino, Lunik final concert with Zürcher Kammerorchester
Marc Rossier with Anna Röthlisberger Co.
In November is the premiere of the new dance creation of
Anna Röthlisberger Co. "ALMOST_ALWAYS"
for which I developed and play the music
We 13. November 2013, 20:00 Theater Roxy, Basel/Birsfelden
Fr 15. November 2013, 20:00
Sa 16. November 2013, 20:00
Th 21. November 2013, 20:00
Fr 22. November 2013, 20:00
Sa 23. November 2013, 20:00
Marc Rossier at children's christmas
with Roland Zoss, Steff la Cheffe, Tinu Heiniger, Nyna Cantieni, Christine Lauterburg a.o.
So 1. December, Huttwil Kirche, 14:30 + 17:30
So, 22. December, Bern, Heiliggeist Kirche, 14:00 + 16:00
Tickets: For Huttwil: Verkehrsbüro, Marktgasse 1 Tel. 062 962 55 05
For Bern: CD Laden „Tonträger“, Spitalgasse 38 , (Schweizerhofpassage), Tel. 031 312 43 43
from Gurtenfestival >>
Today, June 15th 2013 Lunik with Marc Rossier on guitar are replacing Elton John who had to cancel his show at "Stars Of Sound" in Murten.
Marc Rossier is on tour with Lunik this year
Fr 14 June 2013 - Moods - Zürich
Sa 29 June 2013 - Schützenpark - Basel
Sa 06 July 2013 - Pristina - Kosovo
Tu 09 July 2013 - Obere Mühle Festival, Dübendorf
Fr 19 July 2013 - Gurten Festival, Bern
Su 28 July 2013 - Am Schluss Festival, Thun
Sa 24. August 2013 - Festival, Venoge
there's more to follow, check www.lunik.com
Marc Rossier accompanies a workshop by Ron Amit and Sarah Reifschneidr
Sa 27. April 2013 - 12:00 -
So 28. April 2013 - 17:00
Le Creux des Biches, Le Noirmont, Jura
The performance with Anna Röthlisberger Co. "Subterranean Winds" in Tel Aviv April 9th 2013 at Tmuna Theatre was totally sold out!! People were sitting on the stairs and many couldn't get in at all. www.tmu-na.org.il
Other appearances in Isreal:
April 4th 2013 - 20:15 - Gaga.People - Ron Amit at Suzanne Dellal Centre Tel Aviv with live music by Marc Rossier
April 6th 2013 - 17:00 - Contact Improvisation at the Arab-Jewish Centre in Yaffo
with live music by Marc Rossier
Together with Swedish singer Lova Marc Rossier make tryouts for video filming in the region of Ambjörnarp. They both are also doing some studio recordings for Björn Bergsten who is creating a CD with producer Juan Ochoa in Tranemo.
Rossier who has created the music for this extraordinary dance piece plays it live on tour in Switzerland, USA and Israel
Short Cuts Companie Präsentation an den Zeitgenössische Schweizer Tanztagen
Basel - Fr 8. February 2013 - 10:30 - Kaserne, Basel www.swissdancedays.ch
New weekly mini classes start now:
Tuesday 07:45
Tuesday 09:00
Wednesday 07:45
Wednesday 09:00
Breitenrainstrasse 39, 3013 Bern, Breitenrain - Switzerland
Groups are ongoing, start at any time.
Registration: 031 333 48 76 or sign in
This body-oriented method of learning about one's attention causes mild changes in body and spirit. Movements become more aware and easier. This may for example be useful to improve the performance of music, dance, drama or sports. The method is especially well for recovery of mobility after injuries and is often usfull to decrease pain. deutsch
I also offer private lessons, so called FI - Functional Integration
The ongoing ATM-group that I co-teach with Irina de la Cuadra
continuse: Mo 09:15 at her venue at Moserstrasse 27, Bern >>
Fr 18. January 2013 - 20:00, Burgdorf, Alpina Kulturkeller
Rossier plays a show with so&anders, the acoustic band of Role Reisinger vox/guit with Roni Jost double bass
Sa 12. January 2013 - Bern, admission only with invitation
Rossier joins Benno Winkler again for a performance supporting the Guinkouma project at a private event.
Rossier appears for the first time as solo movement performer in a 10' improvisation.
December 17th 2012 - Anna Röthlisberger Co. gives a performance at Volkshaus Basel as the choreografer receives the annual arts award of the Internation Lions Club.
15. December 2012 - 22:00, X-Mas-Rock, Bahnhof Kaufdorf
Rossier helps out for a show of the southern rock band Whiskey Train
In October 2012 Marc Rossier travels to Tel Aviv to be part of the first sessions for the new dance creation of Anna Röthlisberger Co. that takes places at the Arab-Jewish Center in Jaffo.
Marc Rossier is playing two concerts with the harmonica virtuoso Daniel Hildebrand
Sun 19 August - 11:30 - Openair HiddenAir, Wald ZH www.hiddenair.ch
Mon 20 August - 20:15 - Music Festival Winterthur www.musikfestwochen.ch
Marc Rossier has a special appearance as guest of Andra Borlo and the Quinteto Fabuloso - Sa 27. October - 22:00 - Lindy Hop Party at Progr Bern, Aula 22h
Marc Rossier plays live for the public Jam of the ECITE Festival
Wed 1 August 2012 - 21:00, Bern - Switzerland
Fri 3 August 2012 - 20:00, Bern - Switzerland
ECITE-European Contact Improvisation Teachers Exchange
organizes a festival for CI teachers, which is held in a different city every year. Don't miss these performances if your intersted in Contract Improvisation on a high level.
Copyright 2010 marc rossier. All rights reserved.